202-780-5153 info@nidellaw.com


Contact the firm if you have been the victim of an improperly maintained residence and your landlord has refused to remedy the problems.

Water intrusion can cause the growth of mold and other problems that make your home unhealthy and uninhabitable. Nidel Law has represented a number of clients in the D.C. area and around the nation who have been impacted by water intrusion and the growth of mold, and other pathogens that can lead to injury. If you or your loved one has been living in unhealthy conditions due to the presence of excessive water, moisture, mold, or rat or rodent infestation, please fill out the contact form below so that we can evaluate your case.

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Residential Mold

NameFull Name
AddressStreet Address
Zip Code
Phonebest contact phone

Have you been treated for any injuries related to mold.  Describe your injuries below and include any medical diagnosis made.

Medical Complaints
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Leasing TermsWhat do you currently pay per month?
LandlordWho you pay rent to
Subsidized HousingDo you live in a subsidized housing community?
Subsidized PaymentsIf you currently receive assistance, what amount is subsidized per month?
Subsidizing PayorIdentify all government subsidies received
PicturesYou can also email photos to info@nidellaw.com
How did you hear about usCheck all that Apply
Additional Commentsprovide any additional information here
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